Saturday, December 1, 2012

Flaming Words

That feeling of a slow crackling burn turns within you chest.
You can feel it expand pushing fires of hatred through you mouth.
All the souls around you are burnt by your flames spurting from your mouth.

It was uncontrollable.
It scared me.
I could feel myself changing into a creature that wanted to hurt all my friends.

Is there a cure?


Friday, August 3, 2012

Generations of Space

What can humans become?
We become what lies we tell ourselves.
What secrets we hide from the world devour ourselves from within.

The space around our bodies turn to ash as we exhale our oiled filth.

The only way we could possibly save ourselves is to give some good to our spawn.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Love's loss

A soft moon lit glow kissed the waves of a pond’s edge. The glow caressed each wave as it moved within the wind’s arms. Grass swayed and bowed to this dance before them.
               The moon’s reflection on the water’s surface created a pool of endless time and energy.
Mountain ranges over time swallowed the pool of water. It became buried within rock, never to have the sweet kiss of the moon again.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


I wasn’t there to hold your hand, I wasn’t there to say good-night, and I wasn’t there besides you not even for the entire night.
 I wish I had been there to say a few golden words, I wish I could’ve said them before you flew with the birds.
 I wish I could’ve said them, I wish with all my might, I only wish I could’ve said ‘Good-night.’

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I have to create a setting with a character. If anybody wants to do it with me I would love to! It would be really fun to write with other people. Message me.

List Poem
By Kendall Wright

Man sitting across the way,
Watching my every move.
Man sitting across the way,
Staring with eyes of gold.
Man sitting across the way,
Smiling when I turn away.
Man sitting across the way,
Now walking my way.
Man sitting across the way,
Handing me a rose of frosted white.
Man sitting across the way,
Turns and leaves.
Man once sitting across the way,
Gives me hope.

Choice poem
Stars Above
In a darkened plain, without human light,
I stare up into the night,
To the stars above, so bright,
Glittering in the dark, dancing with delight.

I have a loyal friend above height,
In the dark sky alight,
A star glittering bright,
O friend, guide me upon my way this night.